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Constitution and Bylaws for Kenosha County 4-H Countywide Horse Educational Program 

Article I – Name
The name of this countywide educational team shall be Kenosha County 4-H Horse Program.

Article II – Purpose
The purpose of this team is to: provide a learning experience of horse knowledge throughout Kenosha County, to plan and conduct countywide 4-H Horse educational events, and to increase participation in the countywide 4-H Horse Program.  

Article III – Participation
Section 1.  Participation in the Kenosha County 4-H Horse Program is open to all youth and adults enrolled in horse, horseless horse and/or model horse project. Reference to youth and certified adult volunteers are those enrolled in the Kenosha County 4-H Horse Program.


Section 2.  Open to any youth within grade parameter – regardless of that person’s race, color, creed, religion, sex, national origin, disability, ancestry, sexual orientation, and pregnancy, marital or parental status. (This statement is taken from Wisconsin 4-H Youth Development Policies-2015.)  

Section 3.  Acceptance to participate: eligible youth and adult volunteers shall be enrolled in the Kenosha County 4-H Horse Project via 4HONLINE.  Youth members do not need to participate in the Youth Protection Program. Adult volunteers must complete the Youth Protection Program. 

Section 4.  Suspension and Termination of Participation: Youth who violate the Kenosha County UW-Extension Code of Conduct and/or the Wisconsin 4-H Youth Development Code of Conduct may have his/her participation from the 4-H Horse Program suspended or terminated only by the UW Extension office. If the Adult Volunteer Expectation Guidelines, which are signed by the adult volunteer, are not followed, the volunteer may have his/her participation from the 4-H Horse Program suspended or terminated only by the UW Extension office.

Section 5. The following requirements must be met to be officially recognized as a 4-H Countywide Education Team in Kenosha County, Wisconsin: (Wisconsin 4-H Youth Development Policies-2011)


  • Countywide project name 

  • Youth/Adult leadership that has been approved through the Youth Protection Program

  • Educational plan which meets the purposes of the 4-H program

  • Youth involvement in leadership and decision-making

  • Meet on a continuing basis

  • Submit financial record and audit report to Kenosha County UW-Extension Office once each year (Charter Renewal Form)


Article IV – Annual Meeting
Section 1. Annual Meeting. There shall be an Annual Meeting each year which typically takes place in the month of August.  Written notice of the annual meeting will be sent via email at least (10) days prior to the date of the meeting. In the event we are unable to meet the requirements of the annual meeting the meeting will be moved to the following month. Alternative processes may be put into place in order to move forward with the goals to be achieved at the annual meeting as deemed appropriate by the leadership team.

Section 2. Agenda.  The following business shall be conducted during the annual meeting:


  • Vote on by-law changes

  • Approval of secretary minutes 

  • Financial report 

  • Calendar of education meetings set

  • Election of 4-H Horse Project Leadership Team members

  • Such other matters as may come before the participants

Section 3. Quorum. For the purpose of the annual meeting a quorum shall consist of not less than 15 of the enrolled youth participants present and three (3) enrolled and certified adult volunteers in the 4-H Horse Program present.  The election of the 4-H Horse Project Leadership Team members and any action on issues shall require a simple majority of 50%+1 of the enrolled youth and certified adult volunteers present.

Section 4. Annual Meeting Location.  The annual meeting of the Kenosha County Horse Program shall be held at a location determined by the 4-H Horse Project Leadership Team.

Article V – 4-H Horse Project Leadership Team 

Section 1. General Powers.  The powers, property and affairs of the Kenosha County Horse Program shall be vested in the 4-H Horse Project Leadership Team with oversight from the Kenosha County UW-Extension Office. Policies will be established by the leadership team and reviewed for amendments on an annual basis.

Section 2. Number and Qualifications.  The Leadership Team shall consist of 13 individuals:  to include 9 youth and 4 certified adults (non-4-H youth member).

Section 3.  Elections.  Individuals interested in serving on the Leadership Team will be elected at the annual meeting. 

Section 4. Elections and Terms of Office. Adult positions will be for a two-year term, which is renewable for one additional 2-year term (for a total of four years). Youth members (7th grade minimum) will be elected to a one-year term, which is renewable for three additional 1-year terms (for a total of four years).  Terms shall be staggered such that a portion of positions are elected annually.  All terms begin and end at the annual meeting. 

After serving four years, a Leadership Team member must “sit out” one year before serving another term.

Section 5. Resignation. A Leadership Team member may resign at any time by filling a written resignation to the secretary.

Section 6. Vacancies.  In the event of a vacancy of a Leadership Team member, the Leadership Team shall solicit applications for a successor for the unexpired remainder of the position’s term.

Section 7. Meetings. The 4-H Horse Program Leadership Team shall plan the educational programs & events for the 4-H Horse Program with oversight of the UW-Extension Office.

Section 7.1. Order of Business. The order of business at all meetings of the 4-H Horse Program shall be as follows:


  • Pledge of Allegiance & 4-H Pledge

  • Educational Focus

  • Approval of the minutes of the preceding meeting

  • Financial Report

  • Reports of educational programs/events

  • Upcoming programs/events

  • Reports from programs/events attended by members

  • Other Reports

  • Unfinished Business

  • New Business

  • Other Business

Article VI –Executive Board

Section 1. Election.  Executive Board shall be President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer. All positions must be held by youth members. Certified adult volunteers will serve on the Executive Board as Adult Counsellors. Terms of officers are one year, renewable.

The Executive Board shall be elected by the 4-H Horse Project Membership at the annual meeting. Ties for election of officers are to be broken by “drawing names from a box.”

Section 2. President.  Shall preside at all regular and special meetings of the Kenosha County 4- H Horse Program.  

Section 3. Vice-President.  Shall assume the duties of the President in the event of absence of the President.

Section 4. Treasurer. Shall coordinate with the Kenosha County UW-Extension Office and the 4-H Council Treasurer to develop the annual budget and report on the financial accounting for the 4-H Horse Program.

The financial accounting for the 4-H Horse Program will be the responsibility of the Kenosha County 4-H Council Treasurer. All expenses are submitted on the 4-H Horse Program Expense Form (Appendix_F_)

Section 5. Secretary.  Shall keep correct and complete records of attendance and all the proceedings relates to the 4-H Horse Program meetings.  Said minutes shall be turned into the UW-Extension office with ten (10) days of all meetings.

Section 6. Adult Counsellors. Shall serve as mentors and provide guidance for youth officers.

Article VII – Amendments
This constitution may be amended by a (super or 2/3) majority vote of the quorum at the annual meeting.  Notice of amendments shall be given at least 10 days prior to the meeting via email.  

Article VIII – Dissolution Clause
Upon dissolution of the 4-H Horse Program, any assets remaining shall be turned over to the Kenosha County 4-H Council Inc., with the approval of the Kenosha County UW-Extension Office consistent with Wisconsin 4-H Youth Development approved financial practices and policy.

Article IX – Countywide Education Project Year
The 4-H year is continuous and extends from October 1 to September 30.  

Article X – Rules of Order
Robert’s Rules of Order shall govern the meetings.


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