Become a Member
It's fairly easy to become a member of 4-H. Log onto 4HONLINE.COM to sign up. There you will be asked your pertinent information and asked to select a 4-H club and select the projects of interest.
Join a 4-H Club
Youth must be affiliated with a club before signing up for any projects.

Reference Guide
Carefully review the Kenosha County 4-H Horse Project Reference Guide.

Complete, be a member in good standing all in order to compete

Have Fun
Learn, Lead, Develop, Participate, Volunteer, Problem Solve, Educate

HORSE vs. horseless horse
A HORSE member means family member or youth owns a horse/pony, leases a horse/pony, or manages a horse/pony in this project. This is also know as managerial.
A HORSELESS HORSE member means no one in the family may own, lease, or manage a horse/pony (Wisconsin 4-H Horseless Horse Guidelines).
Frequently asked questions
We've developed for you a big picture frequently asked questions sheet. Please feel free to ask questions anytime you have them.
Horse Project Handbook/Refernce guide
We hope you find this handbook/reference guide to be pretty comprehensive for you and provides you a good sense of expectations and information that will help answer any questions you may have. Please make sure if you are not sure about something that you reach out to one of our leaders for answers and guidance.
Below you will find the link to reach out to current active individual leaders or team members with any questions you may have