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Here are a few of our general forms for your quick access.

Leadership Team Application

If you are interested in joining the leadership team. Please fill out this form to its fullest with as much detail as possible.  Forms are due either via mail or online by the THIRD THURSDAY of every July. Elections take place at the August countywide meeting. Members and adults will introduce themselves during this meeting and then the members and leaders will vote by ballot.

State District Representative Nomination Form

Represent the Kenosha County 4-H Horse Project and speak on behalf of our project. In addition to being further involved at the state level for the horse project by expressing your ideas and obtaining ideas you can apply / suggest for our project. You will need to be a member in good standing within our project. You will also be responsible for bringing back information to your county and informing the members of the happenings and changes, etc. Those interested have to be in seventh grade and above.

Horseless Horse Buddy Information

The point of this form is to gather information on those who are interested in becoming a buddy to one or two of our horseless horse members. This is to give us some general insight into your equestrian background so we can match you as best as possible with one or more of our horseless horse members. We are indebted to you for your generosity.

Horseless Horse Member Information

Gather information on our horseless horse members to know who they are buddied with or who require a buddy. Please remember that we do our best to try to find compatible buddies for our members. Buddies for the most part are volunteers and have kindly offered their time, knowledge and animal to educate our members further. We are indebted to them for their generosity.

Idea Submission

Anytime you have an idea about a subject or activity you'd like to learn more about feel free to send it on over by filling out this form. The more details you provided the better off we can try to make it become a reality.

Pony Points Career

Keep track of your Pony Points over the course of your 4-H Horse Project career. Devise goals and be rewarded.

Pony Points Yearly

Pony Points was put together to hold members accountable, develop goals, and provide a means of defining what is a member in good standing. You also will have the opportunity to be rewarded for your efforts at the end of the year. You can find the guide here to answer any of your questions you might have regarding the line items.

Photo Permission Form

Photo permission is required for the public use of images. If the youth participant is 18 or older, they may sign the form to grant permission. Youth under the age of 18 require a parent/guardian signature.

Volunteer Accident/Injury Report

In cases of accidents, incidences, or injuries, involved parties are required to submit an incident form. Observers and involved parties will be asked for input when filling out the form. This is required reporting.

General 4-H Forms Kenosha County

Please find all the general forms for the county and some for the state of Wisconsin.

© 2019-2022 Kenosha County 4-H Horse Project Proudly created with

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