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Policies of the Kenosha County 4-H horse project

These policies are in addition to those stated in the Kenosha County 4-H Horse Program Constitution and By-laws.

  1. To enroll in the Kenosha County 4-H Horse Program youth must be in the 3rd (third) grade or above

  2. In order to show at Kenosha County Fair or to represent Kenosha County 4-H countywide Horse project at any Local, State, Regional or National show you must have a combination of 6 (six) Pony Points* from the following: participate in countywide Horse meetings, clinics, and workouts; work the Tack Sale; and/or attend educational event in order to be a member in good standing.  Each event will count as one point.  College youth must earn 4 points from the above list. 

    1. Two worksheets will county as 1 (one) Kenosha Countywide Horse project meeting limit of 2 (two) Pony Points to be earned by completing worksheets. 

  3. First year Kenosha County 4-H Horse Project members must attend 2 (two) workouts and/or clinics (as part of their 6 points) and participate in Pre fair to show at the Kenosha County Fair.  

  4. Payment for Education Events organized by the Kenosha 4-H Horse Program. If the event is $25 and below the project will cover ½ of the attendance cost for members and certified horse leader volunteers. If the cost of the event is over $25 the Horse Leadership Team will make a decision on the amount to be covered. 

  5. Educational events must have the minimum number of horse project members signed up or may be cancelled. Free – 5 youth, Paid – 10 youth.  

  6. Gymkhana riders must be certified to show at Kenosha County Far.  To be certified the rider/horse combination must participate in at least two gymkhana workouts for the year and be certified by the clinician as safe for riding gymkhana from each workout.  Rider/horse combinations that are certified two years in a row do not have to obtain certification for subsequent years. 

  7. The countywide agenda should be sent at least a week prior to the countywide meeting.


Elected leadership team members, youth or adult, who are inactive and have exhibited poor/inconsistent engagement within any elected year will be subjected to the following:


  1. A member holding an executive seat (president, vice president, secretary, and treasure) will not be eligible to run for an executive seat for one year. They may run for an alternate seat on the leadership team.

  2. A member holding an alternate elected seat on the leadership team will not be eligible to run for any elected leadership team seats for one year.


After the member or leader has sat out for one year they may reapply and run for an elected seat on the leadership team.


An elected youth or adult leader must attend 75% of the leadership team and countywide meetings. It is understood that life happens and there are schedule conflicts. In these instances, we expect to have a courtesy notification at least 48 hours in advanced so the leadership team is prepared. For example, if the president is unable to attend the meeting, he/she should let the vice president know and set them up for success in addition to letting the adult leaders know. If the treasurer or secretary will not be present, they should seek an alternate or speak with the president to fulfill their duties for the period needed.


Furthermore, if you are leading an educational event, initiative, and/or activity you should give plenty of notice to your teammates and seek out someone to take over whether it is a leadership member or a current member. Plenty of notice means at least two weeks prior. There should be a plan in place on handing over the function and plenty of communication between original lead and lead taking over so they are set up for success.


Poor/inconsistent engagement should be easily identified from volunteering, participating, and carrying through with various activities. The sign in sheets will assist in determining engagement level too. Examples, can include but not limited to…


  1. Countywide meeting educational speaking engagements

  2. Tack sale activities e.g. setup, tear down, working the event

  3. Pre-Fair activities e.g. announcing, coordinating, working the event

  4. Scheduling / coordinating educational activities e.g. farm tours, hippology, judging, model horse, etc.

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