Horseless horse
What does horseless horse mean?
To be a Horseless Horse project member, no one in the family may own, lease, or manage a horse/pony (Wisconsin 4-H Horseless Horse Guidelines).
What is a horseless horse buddy?
A horseless horse buddy (HHB) is an experienced equestrian who takes a horseless horse member (HHM) under their wing and shares their knowledge of horses. They have a lot of knowledge which can range from caring, owning, training, breeds, tack, etc.
A HHB owns a horse which they either board or house at home. They have knowledge about English and/or Western disciplines which they can teach to their HHM. HHB does not have to know about the world of showing but know that our members tend to have an interest in showing specifically at fair. There are members who are completely satisfied with just the pleasure of simply owning and riding a horse.
For a person to become a HHB please register via 4HONLINE.COM. They will register as a leader of the horse project. In brief the role of the horseless horse buddy is to educate the youth member on horse ownership and proper horsemanship skills.
Meeting Information
Our horse project countywide meetings and activities are for ALL enrolled members. It does not matter if you are a first year member, horse, horseless horse, or model horse. This is your Horse Project meeting that happens monthly. October is the start of the new year. Remember it is important to attend these meetings to stay up to date, get questions answered in person and take advantage of some of the educational opportunities. Furthermore these meetings count towards your Pony Points and Horse Project Career Record.
At this time there are not separate horseless horse meetings. We did this because feedback was that it was just one too many meetings for our members to attend given club and other specific project meetings. Our meetings are cohesive to include all levels and skill sets. Remember you also have to attend your club meetings and abide by their rules too.
Horse Education Resource
Below you will find a link to the Colorado State 4-H Horse Project that will help you understand a number of things regarding horses especially the vocabulary used in our meetings and activities. Please take a moment to download and review.

What does horseless horse mean?
To be a Horseless Horse project member, no one in the family may own, lease, or manage a horse/pony (Wisconsin 4-H Horseless Horse Guidelines).