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  • kenoshahorseproject

2022-2023 Leadership Team Applicants

The time is upon us to be recruiting for the 2022-2023 leadership team. Members who are in 7th grade and above can apply to be on the team. Within the team there is an executive team who reside in the roles of President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer. The leadership team meets on the first Wednesday of each month to plan out the countywide meetings and activities for the year. In addition, they discuss decisions on various things that may arise from rewards, awards, policies, etc.

We will be saying goodbye to a few of our members this year who are moving on to college. Those positions will need to be fulfilled. Feel free to reach out to any of our current members and adults on the team to get a better feel. We will have one adult seat who has fulfilled a four year term and cannot be re-elected (they have to sit a term out before being re-elected for another two or four years see our policies/bylaws).

What do you do on the leadership team?

  • Decide educational themes for each countywide meeting

  • Speaking engagement opportunities

  • Plan, lead and/or assist with various activities throughout the year

  • Have a voice in the project for the year

  • Make decisions regarding issues, matters, and ideas

You will develop and/or enhance life-long skills that you will carry with you onto college, your career, and daily life. You'd be amazed at what you will learn without even knowing it. It's your chance to contribute and shine. The project is to be led by the youth with guidance from the adult leaders.

You can apply with this link -

Please apply by Thursday, July 23. Our election is at our August meeting, and we want to make sure we have plenty of time to educate our members on our candidates.

Hope to see your application come through. There will be some next steps too like last year an intro video so members and leaders get to know you a little. If you have any questions please reach out to anyone on the current leadership team.


PS you get pony points for being on the leadership team, but you must follow through with your duties to achieve them.

PSS - Parents this is where we need your help to help guide and drive our youth to step up even if it is out of their comfort zone. It will do them a world of good.

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