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Countywide Meeting, November 15


Happy Monday!

Our first Countywide Meeting of the new 4-H year will be Wednesday, November 15th at 7:00 pm at the Kenosha County Center.

We will be having a presentation on what the Horse Project is all about, so whether new or old, come see what we have planned for the year! Please brainstorm prior to the meeting, and bring any ideas for field trips, presenters you'd like to have, or possible community service the project could participate in!

Current financials can be reviewed here October Financials

Please remember to register for the current 4-H year and pay your annual dues at your CLUB meeting! I used both my old and new email lists for this email, but will start using only registered emails from the county after this! Instead of our normal Countywide Meeting in December, we like to have a Holiday Party. This year it will be Saturday, December 9th at the Twin Lakes American Legion at 6:00 pm. It will be a PJ Party & Potluck! Please use this sign-up genius to RSVP and sign up to bring an item to share...RSVP/Potluck Sign-Up We will also be having a White Elephant gift exchange, so start looking around the house for something good to give!! Tack Sale - Hopefully you have been reaching out to friends, family, and local businesses for donations for our annual Tack Sale Raffle. Please use this spreadsheet...Donation help track who we've asked and what we can expect, so everyone isn't asking the same companies. The second page has a list of local businesses that we need to reach out to. Please remove the name from that page, if you plan to reach out to them. The Project also has a table for selling your used/outgrown tack that is free for members to sell at. You just need to tag items with your first name/last initial and price. Our volunteers will man the table for the day and keep track.


© 2019-2022 Kenosha County 4-H Horse Project Proudly created with

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