Hello all! It's time to organize the volunteers for the Kenosha 4-h Open Pleasure Show on Sunday, July 24. This is a great opportunity to help our project with a fundraiser, learn about horses and horse showing, and spend time with our members. Sign up here: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/30E0D49A9AD2CA5F49-kenosha3
We need youth and adult volunteers all day long to manage the show. Please sign up for a slot (or two). If you have any questions about the volunteer jobs or the show, contact Linda Mizwicki: lmizwicki76@gmail.com or 847-401-4915.
Thank you!
Linda Mizwicki, Lisle Stalter, and Vicki Szpylman
P.S. Opportunity to accumulate more Pony Points towards a year end award.