Hello Horseless Horse Members.
May is upon us and the weather is getting better and soon it will be June. The purpose of this email is to HIGHLY ENCOURAGE all our horseless horse members to take advantage of any or all of the activities that our volunteers have graciously and kindly invested time and energy into providing for you.
Many of the events as of late have had lower than desired attendance with less than a handful of members participating.
ALL activities planned are for ALL members regardless of physical horse status/access. Please reference our Calendar found on our website for all upcoming meetings and activities throughout the year. Below you will find some of the upcoming events for the remainder of the 2022-2023 4-H year. More things are in the works too. In order to get the most out of this project you have to be involved and get out there. Some opportunities, especially for those who have not been paired with a buddy yet, allow for some hands on horse time. Please take advantage of as many activities as you can. If you don't understand what something is, sign up and find out. You might be surprised. Afterall, the project is only what you make of it. We look forward to you joining us.
May 10 - Horse Judging
May 20 - Educational Days - Grooming, Tack and Obstacles
June 17 - All Day Mini Camp at the fairgrounds various activities planned see calendar for details
June 21 - Begins our Wednesday Night Workouts - come observe and ask questions. Members work on horsemanship skills. Runs every Wed until Fair in August.
July 23 - Our open horse show at the fairgrounds. You are welcome to watch and volunteers are always needed to help to run the show.
July 26 - Join the leadership team which leads the meetings and determines the activities. Nominations due on 7/26. Open to 7th grade and above. 5th/6th graders welcomed too.
July 30 - Pre-Fair Horse Show - the dress rehearsal for fair at the fairgrounds. Come on out. Check it out. Participate.
If you ever feel like you've missed an email, can't find an email, etc. Go to our website to Hay What's Up and see all the communications there.
Happy Trails!