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Pony Point Annual Audit

Hi everyone.

It is time to do an annual pony point check to see how everyone is tracking for the year. Our project policy is the following.

In order to show at Kenosha County Fair or to represent Kenosha County 4-H countywide Horse project at any Local, State, Regional or National show you must have a combination of 6 (six) Pony Points* from the following: participate in countywide Horse meetings, clinics, and workouts; work the Tack Sale; and/or attend educational event in order to be a member in good standing.  Each event will count as one point.  College youth must earn 4 points from the above list.
  • Two worksheets will county as 1 (one) Kenosha Countywide Horse project meeting limit of 2 (two) Pony Points to be earned by completing worksheets.

First year Kenosha County 4-H Horse Project members must attend 2 (two) workouts and/or clinics (as part of their 6 points) and participate in Pre fair to show at the Kenosha County Fair.

Please turn in your yearly pony point sheet either via email or feel free to text 262-914-5119 by May 4. Thank you.

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JoDee Schmid
JoDee Schmid
May 10, 2022

Felt the need to share this with you all in case you are in the same boat.

We are first year members, trying to understand the pony points sheet. Would it be possible for someone to explain the difference between a horse project clinic, mini camp, merit program activity, project workout, and gymkhana? We don't have a horse, won't be at the county fair, but are trying to learn and fill this sheet out.

Here is our Pony Point guide - Pony Points Guide.pdf - Google Drive This should answer the bulk of your questions.

Horse Project Clinic - is a one day event with a clinician who teaches the members how to work with their horse and improve their…


JoDee Schmid
JoDee Schmid
May 04, 2022

There is some confusion or misunderstanding on the Pony Points that I'd like to address pertaining to Pre-Fair, Fair and the State Shows (#20-#24).

The calendar year for 4-H is October through September. That would mean that the calendar year for this year's pony points is October 2021 - September 2022. So if you showed at Pre-Fair, Fair or the State Show in any fashion pertaining to the horse project those points applied to last year as they happened in July 2021, August 2021 and September 2021. Also, please note that the Pony Points program is a tool to encourage participation from our members in more ways than one so that you get more out of the project. It is m…


JoDee Schmid
JoDee Schmid
May 03, 2022

Just a reminder to send in your pony points for the May audit. Currently I have only received five. I know that there are more than five people who want to exhibit an equine at the fair. So please do so as soon as possible. I've received the following....

  1. Eibl

  2. Falk

  3. Mizwicki

  4. Mizwicki

  5. Szplyman

Even if you do not plan on exhibiting an equine at fair you should be tracking your points to hold yourself accountable and set some goals. You have the opportunity to be rewarded for your work at the end of the year. If I missed someone let me know. Please know that the superintendents will check in with me to see if you are a member i…


JoDee Schmid
JoDee Schmid
Apr 28, 2022

Hi all.

I have received a question regarding Pony Points. You might have this question too.

Do we still do a pony points sheet even if we won't show at the fair?

Yes, it is a way to hold yourself accountable to something you committed to and be an active member to get the most out of your membership with us. Also, youth have the opportunity to set goals and achieve recognition at the end of the year. Last year we gave away gift cards to those who meet the bronze, silver, and gold categories.

Please note that in every business / countywide email that is sent out that the Pony Point information is included. It is also on…

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