We are excited for a new Field Trip opportunity! Solstice Animal Sanctuary is offering a tour of their facility and an educational program on Saturday, 4/22/23 from 10:30-12:30. The sanctuary takes in rescued horses and other animals and gives educational programs about nutrition and care for animals. Solstice Sanctuary is in Brighton, WI. https://www.solsticesanctuary.org/
Please fill out this sign-up genius if you are interested in attending: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/30E0D49A9AD2CA5F49-solstice
We need a head-count by Saturday, 4/15/23, to book the field trip, and we need at least 5 project members to attend. If we do not have enough, we can reschedule for another date. If you have any questions, please reach out to Linda: lmizwicki76@gmail.com or 847-401-4915.