Hello Everyone -
Long email alert - please stick with it!
Thank you to everyone who came to show, help, or watch the open show this past weekend! It was great to see so many of you out there!
We will not be having any more meetings at the County Building during the summer, but will be starting our Wednesday Night Workouts mid-June. Everyone is welcome to come to the workouts, you should bring your horse if able. If you don't have a horse, you can still come and listen and ask questions of the trainer. You may also get hands-on horse time if they are working on groundwork activities.
Please sign up for workouts so that we know how many to expect. You can add dates as they get closer, so keep the sign-up handy.
Project t-shirts were available at the last meeting. If you ordered shirts and weren't at the meeting, please let me know and we can schedule a time for you to pick them up.
Pre-Fair: We will send another email on Pre-Fair soon, but can you please let us know if will be participating by clicking here -> Pre-Fair
2024 State Expo: We will meet this summer to review the State Expo information at the June 26th Workout. Please plan on stopping by this workout to get your Expo Packet. Registration needs to be sent in all together for the county by August 1st so I will need it back by July 10th (Pre-Fair). If you'd like to take a look at the Expo information before that you can visit the below website (scroll down to State 4-H Horse Expo) -> https://4h.extension.wisc.edu/opportunities/projects/large-animals/horse-project/wisconsin-4-h-horse-association/
Lastly, our neighbors to the north, Racine County 4H will be hosting two shows Father's Day weekend - a speed show June 15 and pleasure show June 16 - they have an all-day fee of $30 for 4-H members for the pleasure show, so take advantage of this great offer and support another 4-H group! Showbills can be found here, just scroll down to Racine County ... https://borderrunhorse.wixsite.com/home/showbills
If you made it this far, thank you Please let me know if you have any questions as we transition to our summer schedule!