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  • kenoshahorseproject

Adult Leadership Team Recruitment

We just hit up the youth that are eligible to join the leadership team, 23 of them, now we are looking to you.

There are four open seats on the leadership team that need to be filled for the 2021-2022 to 2022-2023 4-H years. We can work with you and provide flexibility to our adult leaders if the need be.

You will help guide and encourage the youth leadership team throughout the year in addition to having voting rights. Also, help keep them on task, in addition to making sure that annual items and big bucket items are taken care of and completed. Help them with making decisions on things that come through the pipeline weighing the pros and cons, critical thinking, strengths, weakness, opportunities, and threats. You do not need to be a horse guru to be on the leadership team. Of course, some knowledge helps but you'll learn as you go. No biggie. You will need to go through formal enrollment and certification via the 4-H website.

If you have any questions please feel free to reach out to Jackie or me. We will be voting this month and assembling a candidate webpage for review.

You can apply with this link - Hope to see your application come through. There will be some next steps too.

email sent via kenoshahorseproject @

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