Happy Tuesday!
Who else needed a day (or two) to recover from the fair?
This is just a reminder that next Wednesday, August 30, is our Annual Meeting at the Kenosha County Building at 7:00 pm.
We encourage all members to attend as the following topics will be voted on and/or covered:
Vote on by-law changes
Election of 4H Horse Project Leadership Team
Approval of minutes
Financial Report
Calendar of education meetings for next year
The following people/positions are up for election. If anyone is interested in running for Secretary, please let me know and we can get you on the ballot!
Adult Leader - Linda Mizwicki, Vicki Szpylman, Jackie Moran, Kristina Ellis
President - Emily Szpylman, Ava Eibl
Vice Pres - Ella Bongratz, Ava Eibl, Emily Szpylman
Secretary - Open
Treasurer - Gabby Vanderpool
Youth - Addisyn Falk, Katelynn Mizwicki
We'll be having a make-your-own ice cream sundae bar at the meeting to celebrate making it through the fair! We'll also be discussing things you think went well this year and maybe not so well...so bring your suggestions for next year. If you have any questions, please let us know!