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Fair and State this one is LOADED for EVERYONE

Hi everyone.

Here is some low down on fair and things to be aware of and expect, etc. I hope I have captured everything you need to know and set you up for success. The fair is essentially the big event for us that the kids have all been working hard towards and does require a lot of hands-on-deck still.


Every year we host a potluck on horse show day (Friday, August 20). Ms. Lisle Stalter will be overseeing the potluck this year. The project traditionally provides the main dish each year while members bring a dish to pass. In the morning you can typically find bagels and donuts. Further information on this will be coming soon. We will be looking for families to sign up and also request an RSVP.


This is new for our current project membership base this year and we are looking for someone to take charge and organize the small group of participants and coordinate efforts, apparel, signage, etc. that you think will represent us the best. Parade paperwork is coming. I believe the parade is on Sunday, August 22 with lineup beginning at 9 AM. The fair schedule mentions nothing of the parade so I'm going off of what I'm being told. EVERYONE is welcome to participate in the parade to represent our project. Please raise your hand if you can assist in this matter.

FAIR CLEAN UP DAY You should have received in your email today from 4H Online regarding fair clean-up day. It is Sunday, August 15 from 9 AM to typically noon and the fair feeds us lunch. ALL PROJECTS are onsite cleaning up their barns and prepping them for the upcoming fair. Bring your barn cleaning tools, yard tools, toolbox, drills, etc. even maybe paint scrapers and paintbrushes. You never know. However, I've been informed that our barns are being painted but I haven't been out there myself as of late to see if they've finished. I know they've been scraping the paint off. But better safe than sorry. You will have the opportunity to prep your stalls too. I believe you'll be filling out your emergency contact cards too. DECORATIONS Decorations are on a roll right now thanks to Ms. Mizwicki and Ms. Muse. I know there will be another call for some additional items that are needed to spruce up the place. They will need assistance on fair clean-up day to get things decorated too. Everyone is welcome to partake. BARN DUTY If you have not signed up for barn duty and you will have a horse at the fair and/or participating in the fair horse show you need to sign up. It is a requirement. If you do not have a horse at the fair nor are showing one and you would kindly like to volunteer your time out of the kindness of your heart that would be WONDERFUL. Barn duty is essentially keeping things clean and making sure our horses and barns are safe. We definitely can use some help from non-exhibiting members on Friday the day of the horse show as everyone will be consumed with the show for the day. SIGN UP HERE In addition to barn duty since we've been gifted with wheelbarrows and a number of other cleaning supplies yes we got three aisle brooms, three "slender brooms" for the hard-to-reach places, and three shovels we need someone to securely put these away. If someone could step up and handle this we'd appreciate it. Brooms and shovels are in our middle storage building and we will securely place them in one of the stalls in the barn. STATE QUALIFIERS & EDUCATIONAL EXHIBITORS MEETING Those of you who will earn a blue ribbon while exhibiting your horse at the fair will have qualified to exhibit your horse at the State Expo next month at the Wisconsin State Fair Park. Exhibitors 6th grade and above are eligible to exhibit a horse. Those interested in the educational opportunities from drawing - poems - photography, horse judging, etc. YOU can exhibit there too no age limits. We will be hosting our State Meeting on Sunday, August 22 at 1 PM by the horse arena. This is a mandatory meeting where paperwork will be filled out and payment submitted. This will then be turned into the fair office for submission. We only have a certain window of time in order to get this stuff into the WI State 4H Horse Program. EVERYONE is encouraged to participate in the educational portion of the State Expo. For more information regarding the State Expo please go to the UW 4H website and you will find it all underneath State 4-H Horse Expo. You have to scroll down or do a crtl - F or command F for macs and enter in the find expo. We may go over other items pertaining to State Expo such as decor, meal menus, etc. I will send out a separate email regarding State Expo too as I've been looking over things and creating a list. IF you absolutely positively, cannot attend the meeting on Sunday reach out ASAP so we can arrange plans to get your paperwork, etc. We will not be tracking people down. It's your responsibility to make sure you check all the boxes and get what you need to turn in on time. FAIR HORSE SHOWS The fair pleasure horse show takes place on Friday, August 20 starting at 8 AM. The fun show portion is flexible and at the discretion of the superintendents of whether it will be held Saturday or Sunday. Currently, the fair schedule reads Sunday at 9 AM. Know that should there be bad weather that the pleasure show will bump to the next day or the day after until the weather cooperates. Yeah, I told you this one was a doozie. Please read carefully. Questions feel free to ask.

Sent via kenoshahorseproject @

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