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  • kenoshahorseproject

Fair Kick-Off Message

Hello Everyone.

As we approach the kick-off to the fair I hope you all have a fun week of mixing and mingling with one another. After all, we are all in it for the same reason: for the love of the horse and sport.

I hope you fill your time at the fair making wonderful memories of hanging out with one another whether it be on the back of your horse or hanging out in the barns playing games.

Reach out to one another. Invite members to come to play a game of scrabble, cards, or have a great game of bags. Say hey you want to go practice showmanship or just go for a chill ride in the arena? Want to have a lunch date? Root beer float night? This is your opportunity to get to know, support, help, and cheer one another on. After a year of being digital, it's so nice to be back in person. You deserve this fun time.

You’ve worked hard.


All my best to you this week. Knock the judge’s socks off.


P.S. THANK YOU very much to EVERYONE who beautified our barns. They are the best-looking barns on the grounds. Way to show how you are proud of the horse project. I do not know all the families that contributed to the beautification but I do know that the Proctor and Eibl families did quite a bit from scraping down the north barn to be repainted to providing the beautiful potted plants and flowers along with the little horse decor touches. When you see them please tell them thank you. Proud to see the work you've put in and to have you a part of the horse project. Also, great work by Ms. Mizwicki and Ms. Muse for coordinating the decorations and educational boards that adorn the aisle walls/stall fronts. Great work everyone.

P.S.S. Jackie and I will be around as much as we can. If you need us you know how to find us. ;)

Sent via kenoshahorseproject @

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JoDee Hale-Schmid
JoDee Hale-Schmid
Aug 16, 2021

Ms. Proctor asked for this to be sent following my email for a little clarification on the barn painting.


============================================ While the Proctor Family and most likely the Eibl family (I have not spoken to them) would say the project is most welcome …. but this wasn’t done by just us.

A group of youth volunteers almost NONE of them horse youth, took on the challenge of scraping the barn this summer and cleaning the 3 smaller arena barns in April so that those were ready for Kevin Nelson’s benefit show, as a means of giving back to the fairgrounds.

They volunteered because of the opportunities that the Kenosha County Fair and Kenosha 4H projects (plural)…

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