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Important Dates and Forms


Thanks to all those that attended our last in-person County Wide Meeting for a couple of months last night. We covered a lot and are just getting into full swing for the summer, so I wanted to send out an email you can save with important forms you may need and upcoming dates. Sorry, it's a long one!

May 20 - Last Mini-Education Day - Grooming, Obstacle Course, Intro to Tack - 2:30 - 3:30 - please RSVP to Kristina. Info here --- Education Day Flyer

June ? - Fair Registration will be due to your Club leader sometime in June - please make sure you get those turned in on time. They need to have them in by June 30. If you have any questions filling out the forms, please let us know. Barn Duty and Stall sign-ups also need to be in by June 30 to Denise Matrisch - please refer to the email from April 20th for all the forms.

June 17 - Mini-Camp - Day of fun, learning about horses, no cost to you, no horse required, but you can bring one, if available. Please RSVP so we can plan supplies and lunch correctly. Flyer and Registration Form - Mini-Camp Info Sheet & Mini-Camp Registration Form Workout Nights Sign Up - Workout Nights Please keep this link handy and sign-up for dates as you figure out your summer schedule. Once again, bring a horse if you can, but if not, still come and learn from some great local trainers. July 23 - Open Show - Show Bill - Come show! Special 4-H member pricing and 4-H only classes - a great way to get some show experience. If you aren't ready for an open show or won't have a horse available, please help out during the day - sign up here -- Open Show Volunteers July 26 - County Wide Meeting - 7 pm - Agenda Items: Complete State Paperwork (Must be postmarked by Aug 1), Decorate Fair Boards, Nominations for Leadership Team July 30 - Pre-Fair Horse Show - More info to follow for this event, but please plan to show in this rehearsal for the fair. You can show this day even if you missed the deadline to show at fair this year. Only open to our project members, so a great place to come and learn the ins and outs of showing! August 13 - Barn Clean-Up for Fair - Many hands make light work! Usually from 9:00 am - Noon - Come help clean up the barns and get your stalls ready. We will also decorate the barn at this time. Lunch is provided afterward. August 16 - 20 - Kenosha County Fair August 30 - ANNUAL MEETING - Please plan on attending, as we need a quorum to hold elections and make any By-Law changes. Told you it would be a long one! More information will be sent on individual events as they near.

Thank you, Vicki


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