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  • kenoshahorseproject

Summer Project Updates/Leadership Applications

I hope everyone's summer is off to a great start! Just a quick (okay, maybe not that quick...but please keep reading!) update email:

Applications for Leadership Positions are now being accepted. There are general positions for 5th-6th graders, and 7th grade and above can run for a board position. Adults can also run for the Leadership Team and serve two-year terms. Applications are due by July 26th and elections will be held during the annual meeting on August 30th. Application link...Leadership Application

June 17th - Mini Camp - We currently have 10 kids signed up and can take a couple more. Don't miss this fun day of learning about horses! Registration accepted through tomorrow (Friday)..see previous emails for more details.

June 21st - Besides being the first workout night, we will also be painting the ground poles used at the fairgrounds. So if you're not planning on riding, come out to the fairgrounds (behind the arena) and help clean out the buildings and paint some poles - bring a brush if you can!

July 23rd - Open Show - Can you volunteer? Volunteer Sign Up

July 30th - Pre-Fair - more info to follow shortly!

July 26th - Mandatory meeting for those planning on participating at State Expo - riding or educational entries. All State Expo paperwork needs to be postmarked by August 1st. If you've completed 6th grade as of this past school year, you are eligible to ride. Those that have completed 3rd grade and up can participate in the educational activities. Please see the links below for Educational Guidelines - painting, drawing, photography, woodworking...if you made it this 4H year, and it is horse related you can probably enter it! Location TBD - more info to follow.

August 2nd - Fair Board Decorating/Educational Poster Making Night

Come out to the fairgrounds anytime between 5:30 - 8:00 to decorate your stall board and make an educational poster to help decorate our barns during fair (your poster can then be submitted at the State Expo!) Did I mention we'll have PIZZA?

August 13 - Barn Clean-up Day - 9:00 am - Noon

August 16- 20 - Kenosha County Fair

August 30th - ANNUAL MEETING - Please plan on attending this meeting to vote on any bylaw changes and YOUR Leadership Team!

Thank you for sticking with me until the end! I'm sure I missed something, it will be a busy summer, so keep your eye open for our emails.

Now get out there and ride...the weather has been beautiful!

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