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☄️ Your Fair Feedback Please - Due Sept 15 ☄️


Heidi Ho Everybody.

Now that you've decompressed from fair and have reflected on the happenings we would love to hear from you and hear from your heart and how you truly felt about the event pertaining to the horses and ponies. Whether you had a horse there or you took part in another way like barn duty, etc. your feedback is greatly appreciated too. This is an anonymous survey regarding your time at the fair as a horse and pony exhibitor/participant. We will have no idea who said what UNLESS you want us to reach out to you regarding clarification. If you don't please be as clear as possible so we can fully understand your thoughts and solutions. This information will be used to improve your fair experience and shared with the superintendents so that they can understand from your viewpoint and help balance and make the experience great.

Once again, this is an anonymous survey. We will have no idea who said what. We hope that we will hear the good and the bad. We can only improve from there. FOR EXAMPLE / THINGS TO GET YOU THINKING

The cow people ticked ya off because when you went to wash your horse there were cowpies everywhere because they didn't clean up after themselves. So you had to clean up after them so you could wash your horse.

Maybe you've observed what other fairs have on their showbills and wish we had the same for more reasons than one like In-Hand Fitting & Showing Western Horse, Line Driving Obstacle, H/H Western Leadline Horsemanship, Ranch Horse Classes, etc. Did you like that the classes were combined? Did you think the grade levels should be slimmed down to more than just two make more like three or four? Why?

Maybe you didn't like how something was handled or approached, etc. What was it? What could have been a better solution?

Airflow in the barns could be better....maybe we need to find donors for fans to help circulate the air for the horses?

It was great that we had the tools to keep our barns clean this year and not have to worry about lugging that stuff with us.
I appreciate that the judge and our leaders had input on the sportsmanship award this year.

I really liked that the judge took the time for me when my horse was not cooperating, etc.
Although we can't control the weather the pace of the show worked well and we didn't feel pressured. Did you like having the state meeting promptly after the show so you didn't have to meet again? Did you feel well informed? To what extent? Where did it lack? What needed to be said that wasn't said?

These are just things to get the wheels turning. Please don't let them majorly influence your input, let them help set the stage as to what we are seeking to an extent. Once again, this is an anonymous survey. So we hope to hear what you are truly thinking. Please provide your input no later than September 15, 2021. LET YOUR VOICE BE HEARD


Sent via kenoshahorseproject @


1 Comment

JoDee Hale-Schmid
JoDee Hale-Schmid
Sep 02, 2021

Hi all.

Responses have been light on this survey. Please take the time to respond. I know there is feedback out there. I heard some of it, but you need to write it down on this survey. 110% anonymous. Thanks.


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