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  • kenoshahorseproject

Youth Leadership Team Recruitment

We need some more folks to step up to the plate and be a part of the leadership team. There are 23 youth members that qualify to apply for our leadership. If you are receiving this email that means you. There are youth executive seats (president, vice president, secretary, and treasurer) and there are five youth non-executive seats that need to be fulfilled. This month we will be electing some of you.

To those of you who have applied THANK YOU. Please encourage others to do so.

What do you do on the leadership team?

Decide educational themes for each countywide meeting

Speaking engagement opportunities

Plan, lead and/or assist with various activities throughout the year

Have a voice in the project for the year

Make decisions regarding issues, matters, and ideas

You will develop and/or enhance life-long skills that you will carry with you onto college, your career, and daily life. You'd be amazed at what you will learn without even knowing it. It's your chance to contribute and shine. The project is to be lead by the youth with guidance from the adult leaders.

You can apply with this link -

Hope to see your application come through. There will be some next steps too. If you have any questions please reach out to either Jackie or me or one of our current leadership team youth.


PS you get bonus pony points for being on the leadership team, but you must follow through with your duties to achieve them.

email sent via kenoshahorseproject @

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