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April Business & Countywide Meeting


Updated: Apr 17, 2022

Hop, hop, hoppy April to you. Pretty soon Peter Cottontail will be making his way to your home and hopefully leaving lots of goodies for you. Hopefully he will bring a lot more favorable weather with him too!

Our Countywide Meeting is on Wednesday, April 20, 2022 at 7:00 PM at the Kenosha County Building on the corner of HWY 45 and HWY 50.

Ms. Ava S. will be presenting on Arabians at this month's meeting. You’ll also be introduced to what horse judging is about by Ms. Zimmer.


Please find below the following information for the countywide meeting…


New Member Orientations

If you are a new parent to the project and have not attended a mandatory orientation session yet, please join us at 6:00 pm on Wednesday, 4/20 for a New Parent Orientation. These meetings offer a great deal of useful information about the project and help us get to know each other. The session last about 45 minutes and is scheduled right before our countywide meeting. Please RSVP on link below. For questions, email or call/text 847-401-4915.

Deadlines Coming Up

MAY 1 FAIR HORSE ID SHEETS - is quickly approaching for horse id sheets. Make sure you get them in by that deadline whether you plan on showing a horse or pony at the fair or not.

Volunteer Opportunity to Make Money for Our Project

Received a message regarding working the corn booth at the Wisconsin State Fair. Here is what I was told. “The Lions Club are looking for people / clubs to volunteer at the corn booth at the State Fair. You would get a free ticket in the fair plus the club gets paid for every hour each person works.” She believes it would be $6 per. hour. The shifts are six hours. They provide shuttles to from the park and ride.

If you are interested please let me know and I will send you the contact information. This would need to be done as a group and will require 5-6 people to sign up. You would collectively be working together at the same time period and day. Just like you do at the pizza booth at the fair.

Show Clothes and Horse Books Available

We were given some show clothes and horse books. Please review the pictures on our Google Drive. If you are interested please reach out to Ginger Hale - 262 - 914 - 5115

As far the clothes go she pulled out the best items of the lot which include hunt coats and Ultrasuede chaps. I do not know sizes at the moment.

Be an Amigo to a Buckaroo

We are still looking for a few seasoned members to help new members navigate the waters of the horse project and be their go to person when they have questions.


We still have some committee items that could use some help getting off the ground or picked up and ran with. If you can help out with any please let us know.

Wednesday Night Workouts - Ms. Szplyman

If you know anyone who might be interested in coaching one of our workouts. Please reach out to Ms. Szplyman. Our schedule is looking pretty good and I believe we have currently wrapped it up. Workouts will begin on June 15.

Workouts are every Wednesday evening at the fairgrounds pending weather and begin in June through August before fair. Youth get a group lesson from very experienced amateurs to professional trainers with their horse.

Gymkhana Workouts / Clinics - OPEN

No change/update - We have not received word from anyone at this time that they are participating in gymkhana. So we will assume that there is not a need at this time.

Gymkhana is for managerial members who go fast and run the timed speed events such as barrel racing, poles, flags, etc.

Mini Camp - Ms. Ellis

Save the date for June 24-25 at the Kenosha County fairgrounds. Look for a sign up sheet coming soon.

Public Open Horse Show - Ms. Stalter, Ms. Mizwicki, Ms. Szplyman

Volunteers, volunteers, volunteers are needed to help make this show a success. Will need help from gatekeepers, awards distribution, the office, and food booth. Please reach out to Ms. Stalter, Mizwicki or Ms. Szplyman if you can help. They have a good portion of things completed and a few things to wrap up such as finalizing entry forms and other paperwork.

Pre-Fair Horse Show - Ms. Moran

No change/update. Working on finding a judge.

Model Horse - OPEN

Volunteers needed to launch this project. Educate youth on model horses and showing. In addition, just enjoying the hobby and possibly making things for your horses and learning about horses through the model horse.

Horse Judging - Ms. Zimmer

She will provide a short presentation at this month’s meeting and gauge interest.

Horse Bowl / Hippology - Ms. Stich & Ms. Vanderpool

Ms. Stich will be providing a short presentation in conjunction with mini camp and how we will be incorporating horse bowl/hippology into mini camp. As this builds we will need volunteers for various odds and ends from those to coordinate and put on the event. Prizes, question caller, etc.

Field Trips & Activities - Ms. Mizwicki

Will be landing on a date for a farm tour at Scott Golladay’s in Bristol, WI. This will blend nicely with this month’s presentation on Arabians. Date to be announced soon. Golladay Stables specializes in breeding and training top-notch Arabian and Half-Arabian Show Horses competing in English, Western, and Driving divisions.

Midwest Therapeutic will be more of a summer activity as it is tentatively planned for during the day.

Tempel Farms is another activity we have on our list. Stay tuned as things develop.

Horseless Horse - Ms. Schmid

No change/update.

If you haven't filled out your buddy status please do so. This means letting us know if you need a buddy and if you have a buddy and that information.

If you know anyone who is interested in becoming a buddy or if you are interested please have them or yourself fill our buddy form.

Make sure if you are a new HH member you attend our member mandatory orientation meeting. Buddy's you'll have your own orientation meeting so you are not left in the dark and get a thorough understanding of the lay of the land.


Pony Points

Every year you need to acquire a minimum of six points in order to be a member in good standing to participate in the horse show at the fair.

Bring your annual sheet with you to every meeting and keep it in your horse project binder in case you have questions, forgot to fill it out, need help filling it out, etc.

Please find the links to the forms here. Remember Pony Points is our way to make sure our project members continuously learn and also earn the status of a member in good standing in order to show at fair.

Merit Program

The merit program is a wonderful opportunity for you to learn more about horses and ponies. It was developed to help you learn independently and has qualities of the Girl Scout badges.

Members will learn a ton by utilizing and participating in this program. This program in some respects can double and triple dip into your Pony Points yearly sheet to help you become not only a member in good standing but also aid in your overall points for the year towards awards.




Subject: Kenosha County Fair



Emails MIA?

Don’t forget if you misplace an email or cannot find it you can always find them on our website under the Hay What’s Up page.

Make sure you take a moment to check out our website. Lots of hard work went into creating it just for you! So, you have the information at your fingertips.

Available When You Need Us!

Whether you are new to the project, a few years in, new to showing, etc. we are here to help you out. Feel free to reach out to any of your project leaders. We all have or had horses. We all have shown or are still showing. Our experience ranges from 4-H, open shows, to breed shows. We have tons of knowledge. It can be anything from show apparel - i.e. is this appropriate for fair? Can I wear my helmet in showmanship? I need help finding apparel. To tack - where can I find a used saddle? What is a good brand?



If you want to receive text communications please make sure you sign up by texting @k4hho to the number 81010. Facebook is another alternative to get quick info as well.


If you know someone who is not receiving email communications please forward the email to them or have them email If you are a parent but the emails go to the youth member please feel free to ask to be added so you are in the loop. Also, the same goes for youth. If you want your email added just let us know.


Don't forget about our website that was put together just for you and is bubbling with information that is accessible right at your fingertips! Bookmark it today!


© 2019-2022 Kenosha County 4-H Horse Project Proudly created with

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